Omni Pixel Case Study: Auto Industry Marketer Drives Results with Anonymous Visitor Identification

An auto industry marketing company leveraged BDEX Omni Pixel’s anonymous website visitor identification technology to significantly improve their client’s car sales and service appointments. By implementing Omni Pixel’s tracking pixel for just 30 days, the company was able to identify and match consumers to 27 car sales and 88 service appointments over a 90-day period.

Client Profile

– Industry: Automotive Marketing
– Client: Major car dealership
– Challenge: Increase car sales and service appointments through improved customer identification and targeting

The Challenge

The auto industry marketing company faced several challenges in helping their client, a major car dealership:

1. Identifying potential customers who visited the dealership’s website but didn’t make immediate contact
2. Connecting online browsing behavior to offline sales and service appointments
3. Improving the efficiency of marketing efforts to drive both sales and service business
4. Demonstrating clear ROI on their marketing technology investments

The Solution: BDEX Omni Pixel – Anonymous Visitor Identification

The marketing company chose BDEX Omni Pixel to address these challenges:

Key Features Utilized

– Advanced pixel tracking technology
– Hybrid identification system using both cookie and non-cookie data
– Robust identity graph for accurate consumer matching
– Privacy-compliant data collection and usage


1. The Omni Pixel tracking pixel was installed on the car dealership’s website
2. Anonymous visitor data was collected over a 30-day period
3. BDEX’s identity graph was used to match website visitors to offline identities
4. The marketing company tracked car sales and service appointments for 90 days following the data collection period


The implementation of BDEX Omni Pixel led to impressive results:

– 27 car sales matched to consumers identified by Omni Pixel
– 88 service appointments matched to identified consumers
– Clear demonstration of the connection between online behavior and offline actions
– Improved ability to attribute sales and service appointments to specific marketing efforts

Key Takeaways

1. Short Implementation, Long-Term Results: A mere 30-day pixel implementation led to trackable results over a 90-day period, showcasing the long-term value of the data collected.

2. Dual Revenue Streams: Omni Pixel’s technology positively impacted both high-value car sales and recurring service appointments, supporting multiple revenue streams for the dealership.

3. Online-to-Offline Attribution: The ability to connect anonymous website visitors to actual sales and service appointments provided concrete evidence of marketing ROI.

4. Versatile Application: The technology proved effective for both attracting new customers (car sales) and retaining existing ones (service appointments).


BDEX Omni Pixel’s anonymous website visitor identification technology provided the auto industry marketing company with a powerful tool to drive tangible results for their client. By matching 27 car sales and 88 service appointments to identified consumers over a 90-day period, the company demonstrated the significant value of accurate customer identification in the automotive industry.

This case study highlights the potential of Omni Pixel to not only drive immediate sales but also foster long-term customer relationships through service appointments, making it a valuable asset for automotive marketers and dealerships alike and has proven to be effective for numerous retailers from pet supplies to furniture and more.